BABAO offers 10 bursaries from the organisation’s funds to assist with the cost of conference fees for members experiencing difficult financial circumstances. They are available to BABAO members presenting their research in either a poster or podium talk presentation format.
Further eligibility information is provided on the Grants section of BABAO website which can be accessed by clicking the 'Find out more' button below.
What's covered...
The bursaries cover the full cost of the conference registration fee. Please note that this does not include the £75 surcharge for Friday night accommodation, so if you are in receipt of a bursary and wish to stay for the Friday night you will need to source alternative funding to cover that portion of the cost.
How to apply...
Applicants are asked to submit a one-page document explaining why they are of low income (e.g. student, unemployed, contract osteologists), why their research is novel and significant, and how presenting at the conference is important to advance their career. Applications should be sent as a PDF attachment via email to the BABAO conference email address at BABAOconference2024@gmail.com cc'ing in the BABAO grants secretary at grants@babao.org.uk.
Please note: All information associated with your application will be stored anonymously for the purposes of financial reporting for a maximum of 7 years.