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Talks, Posters, Displays and more...

We are excited to welcome you to BABAO 2024. This year the theme of the conference is 'Celebrating Interdisciplinarity, Collaboration, and Inclusion'. In keeping with this theme, we have a range of sessions and additional events to showcase work from a variety of fields and career stages. The conference will be delivered hybrid with opportunity to present/attend online and/or in-person.


Click the 'Download' button below to access a PDF copy of the conference proceedings & abstract book. A physical copy of this will be included in your conference pack at registration sign-in.


Programme details can be found below. All information is subject to change with updates so please check-in regularly for the most accurate information!

Download a PDF version of the latest programme by clicking on the 'Download' button below

Friday 6th September


Social Gathering (Optional) 


This is to be held on campus in the Courtyard Hotel. This venue serves food and drink. The conference team will be meeting early evening (time to be confirmed!) and welcome any attendees to either join us or socialise here too. 

Saturday 7th September
Opening Day



The Great Hall

8:30 am


Welcome Address

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

9:10 am

Talk Sessions


Early Career Open

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

10:20 am

Speakers include:

  1. Sarah Defant: Rethinking Migration Narratives: Strontium Isotopic Insights from the Gothic Necropolis of Frascaro, Italy

  2. Carlos Silva Carvalho: The Medieval Solider: Using Forearm Morphology to Understand Activity-Related Change in Military Occupations

  3. Lauren Booker: Hair samples as Ancestors and futures of community-led collection care

  4. Isobel Grimley: Growing up Medieval: Skeletal Frailty and Stable Isotope Analysis of Children and Young Adults from the Isle of Man

  5. Alex Tutwiler: Vertebral Variations: Investigating spinal health in Dutch children from agricultural, industrial, and affluent urban communities during the post-medieval (1650-1850 CE) period

  6. Hannah Vogel: Collaboration or Collision? Challenging ableism through Critical Disability Studies and Bioarchaeology 


Commercial Archaeology

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

2:45 pm

Speakers include:

  1. Sharon Clough: Iron Age pit burials of central and west of Britain

  2. Ariadne Schulz: Conditions or Luck?: Disease in Saxon Hampshire

  3. James Langthorne: Last Rites and Lockdown: The medieval population found during the 2015 and 2019-2020 archaeological investigations at Shoreditch Village

  4. Lauren McIntyre: Funerary treatment of seven rare middle Bronze Age inhumation burials from Wallingford, Oxfordshire

  5. Emma Törnblad: An interdisciplinary osteoarcheological excavation of prisoner graves from 19th century Sweden

  6. Ceridwen Boston: Chapel Riverside- a liminal burial ground?

  7. Carina Summerfield-Hill: Dissenters of the faith – a 19th century non-conformist community in Derby

Keynote & Poster Sessions


Keynote 1: Dr Edwin Dickinson

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

9:25 am


Poster Sessions ECR Open 

UCR/Nesfield/The Old Library​

12:00 pm​ (1) & 1:30 pm (2)


Keynote 2: Jacqueline McKinley

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

2:00 pm

Additional Events


Show and Tell

12 pm


Mentor Lunch

12:30 pm



5 pm

*BABAO members only


Conference Dinner & Quiz

7:30 pm



We will have three keynote speakers this year, all from very different fields in keeping with our multi-disciplinary theme. 

Sunday 8th September
Closing Day



The Great Hall

8:15 am


Welcome Back

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

8:45 am

Talk Sessions


Pecha Kucha Open 1

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

9:00 am

Speakers include:

  1. Kirsty Squires: The Angioletti of Palermo: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Understanding the Lives and Deaths of Mummified Non-Adults in Late Modern Palermo, Sicily (1787-1880 CE)

  2. Hannah Koon: Pits, Plaques and Perforations: a high-resolution microscopy and micro-CT cross-sectional investigation of orbital roof lesions

  3. Ofelia Meza-Escobar: Tracing Menarche: bioarchaeological approaches to pubertal development in a modern documented skeletal collection from South America 

  4. Sam Tipper: A comparative analysis of dental health in Roman Lincolnshire


Virtual Anthropology

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

10:20 am

Speakers include:

  1. Charlotte Loy: Quizzing the Red Market: A webapp to cover the human remains trade

  2. Keith Lawrence: Scars of the Civil War in Nantwich

  3. David Bennett-Jones: Focus-stacking photography – a tool for analysis and recording in palaeopathology

  4. Stephen J Maclean: The Light Fantastic: An exploration of structured light scanning in forensic anthropology

  5. Miksha Harripershad: Exploring craniofacial asymmetry in a South African sample

  6. Sandra Selene López Balderas: Geometric Morphometrics: an Analysis of Primates Facial Morphology


Pecha Kucha Open 2

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

2:00 pm

Speakers include:

  1. Allison Fox: Man in the Middle - the archaeological human remains collection from the Isle of Man

  2. Theodore J W Dobbs: The Morals and Ethics of the Human Remains Trade

  3. Neo-Gray Jones: The life of teeth after death: an investigation of dental diagenesis in aquatic and terrestrial environments

  4. Catherine Roberts: Eating Dirt or Swallowing Water? Dental Diagenesis in Marine and Terrestrial Burials

  5. Rebecca Strong: An experimental investigation of cutmark analysis of sharp force trauma in the Bronze Age

  6. Jessica Gill: The Histological Analysis of Porcine Ribs Encased in Different Types of Concrete

  7. Jem Carter: Mind the Gaps in the Reference Data: Dental Non-Metric Traits in South and West Asian Populations for Ancestry Estimation


Dental Anthropology

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

2:55 pm

Speakers include:

  1. Marie C Weale: Rachitic Bone and Teeth: A comparison of the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in three English Populations from the 10th to 19th centuries

  2. Olga Nechyparenka: Investigating the Timing of Different Dental Stress Markers to Improve Life History Analysis

  3. Gwyn Dahlquist-Axe: The impact of the Industrial Revolution on human oral microbial diversity

  4. Julia Beaumont: Family values: weaning data in sibling teeth

  5. Sarah Inskip: Using an ‘index of oro-dental disease’ to investigate the impacts of tobacco consumption on oral health in British and Dutch post-medieval populations (c. AD 1500 – 1850)

  6. Abdelhadi Abdellatif Salih: Teeth Mutilation as a tool for Ethnographic Human Identification in Sudan: Two Case Reports​​

Keynote & Poster Sessions


Keynote 3: Dr Alison Riddel

The Salvin Room (live) / The Old Library (streamed)

9:35 am


Poster Sessions Open​​

UCR/Nesfield/The Old Library​

12:00 pm​ (1) & 1:30 pm (2)

Additional Events


Show and Tell

12 pm


BSL Basics Lunch

12:30 pm


Conference Close & Prize Giving


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